Monday, 7 November 2011

630 views - Children's Data Protection Failure

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection or CEOP is responsible for the safety of children online and advises parents and professional in e-safety.

An investigation has taken place after the web page for children was insecure, shockingly it was a member of the public who found a form on the website was unencrypted meaning that personal details entered on the site could have been visible to anyone. Peter Davies stated that:

"The security was not as good as it should have been but it's been fixed now. But to have accessed it you would have had to have really gone hunting for it and would have had to have had very high levels of expertise."

Great bit of optimism there, because of course a kind of 'people' to use this sort of information in criminalised ways would never be..systematic, adept, skilled, masters of manipulation and perfectly capable of keep an eye on ways to get access to their prey, our children.

1 comment:

  1. I think a bigger worry is the proposed merger of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop) centre with the new National Crime Agency (NCA) in 2013.
    Children’s organisations fear that Ceop will get ‘lost’ within a large organisation and other crimes will take a higher precedence. The decision led to the resignation of the head of Ceop.
    Chris Sherratt
